Merci and Thanks

“Thank you Letters” is a community art project that is on-going. This means that I use it as a platform to engage people in conversation about gratitude. The project is made of 26 hand embroidered letters on plastic net lobster buoy flags. Sometimes I ask people to spell something that they feel thankful for. Sometimes I spell words myself.I am just back from a wonderful 3 weeks in France – where I used the flags to spell “Merci” (thank you in French). I took these flags around my travels and photographed it in a variety of settings. My favorite is at Charles De Gaulle airport security in  Paris. My bag was being searched and inside the bag was the string of Merci flags. I asked the agent to hold the up so I could take her picture…and she was quite happy to do so. What a HUGE contrast to the attitude of our TSA officials here in the USA.

Thank you.


Letter L is for love.

Letter L is for love.

“THANK YOU LETTERS” is an interactive community art project that I completed stitching in January of 2014 as I was heading off to India.

Letter Z goes to India

Letter Z goes to India

Here’s how it works -  I ask people to think about something or someone or that they are thankful for. Then I ask them to spell it using an alphabet that I embroidered with cotton floss on lobster flags. Then I photograph the person with their word.This project never really got the light it deserved. So now 2 years later I will travel with it to France – hoping that I can engage people with my elementary French!

Keep Calm and travel on

Keep Calm and travel on

Stay tuned for photos  – check out my FB page and Instagram: sdhaskell and Twitter @sarahhaskell #thankyouletters

"Thank you Letters" ready to travel!

“Thank you Letters” ready to travel!