I am home for a couple of weeks after a two week shake down cruise on our “new” sail boat. We left Rockland, ME on July 1st heading West towards Tentants Harbor down the Mussel Ridge Channel. Well it was certainly a shake down adventure! We had engine trouble and then we lost our brand new prop somewhere between Christmas Cove and Boothbay Harbor.
Thankfully we were near the Paul Luke Yard who specialize in propeller installation. With a brand new prop we left Lewis Cove and headed further west ending up at Brewers Yard in South Freeport with more engine issues. Phew….hours and dollars later, we have a smooth running engine. But best of all…we had many hours of AMAZING sailing. Witness sails like a beauty, balanced and graceful. We feel blessed to be the new owners of this boat, in spite of the trials of this first cruise.While out on the boat, I brought an embroidery project that I’ve been working on called “Now ~ An alphabet by hand” to keep my hands busy and satisfy my need to create. I am working on letter N inspired by the mating White Admiral butterflies that visited us for a lengthy time in Port Clyde on the 4th of July. You can see other embroidered letters in a previous post.In honor of tonight’s full moon here is a moon rise from The Goslings near Harpswell, ME.