Summer is coming to a soft ending here in Maine. What I mean by soft is that the end of summer is September 21st – the actual transition from summer to fall. But here in Vacationland, as in many New England states, summer ends when schools reopen and the tourists go home. Although I am decades away from returning to school, I still feel the shift in the pace of life, the change in the sunlight, the drop in the temperature.This fall I have two local exhibits. I hope that you can see these shows and perhaps join me at the opening.
October 3 – November 5, 2014 Opening reception October 8 5-7PM
NH Institute of Art 148 Concord St. Manchester, NH 03104
This exhibit is an international juried show that will travel after this site. Again an amazing collection of artists!
As summer draws to this soft closure, I am scheduling fall residencies, continuing with my embroidery project “Now ~ Letters by Hand”and digging deeper into my on-loom series called “Unhinged”. The pieces in the above mentioned exhibits are from this new series.
Here’s hoping your summer is drawing to a soft closure.
Happy Labor Day ~ Sarah