Surround yourself with love.
Here in Maine, April is a tease, a long slow awakening to the warmer, greener months ahead. April is a time for nurturing, for tending the tiny seedlings in the greenhouse, for opening windows and leaning into beginnings. We get a day here and there in the 70s, but for the most part April is rainy, wet, foggy, damp, chilly, dreary and grey. And then…like a long overdue freight train, the greens and floral brilliance explode and we quickly forget the dim days of April.
Here is what I have been cultivating in my studio and beyond:
· Two workshops for middle school students at Sedomocha Middle School in Dover Foxcroft Maine – teaching paper weaving/poetry and a workshop using found object for sculptural weavings. Supported by Monson Arts, Monson ME. Be sure to check out my Instagram feed for news about these workshops!
· Attleboro Arts Museum - 200 of my crocheted stones “Hold Me Tight” are on exhibit in a NE Regional Surface Design show. Until May 6, 2023.
· I am two months into my apprenticeship with Katherine Ferrier, a textile artist, poet and educator from Rockland Maine. I’m teaching her how to spin, use natural dyes and weave on a floor loom. This program is supported by the Maine Arts Commission and Maine Crafts Association
Katherine’s indigo hands with her hand spun wool
· A lovely interview with Textiel Plus Magazine – a Dutch arts publication. Look for the translate button!
· “Hold Me Like A Mother: Pink” has been accepted in the Surface Design Association exhibit titled “Safe Keeping” . The exhibition will be held at 108 Contemporary Art Gallery, Tulsa, OK from June 2-July, 23 2023
· Bar Harbor, Maine – I have a mini-exhibit- four pieces on display at Island Artisans. If you in the area - please check it out!
Hold Me Like A Mother: Pink
Here’s hoping you are finding ways to nurture and tend those around you….and that you feel cared for as well.