Praise For Life #9 “Praise for the power of forgiveness and letting go”
In 2005 I created a series of 10 small (16” by 16”) framed works that celebrated and illustrated the poem “Praise for Life” a Kaddish prayer adapted by Rabbi Arthur Waskow.
Praise for Life.
Praise for all the senses of the body
reaching out and plucking the universe like an autumn apple.
Praise for the dream of justice here upon the earth,
equity and well being for the whole of humanity.
May our children’s children harvest the dreams
we plant in our brief lives.
Praise for Life.
Praise though all of our philosophies and explanations
trickle through the fingers of our experience like water.
Praise for Life.
Praise for it though it is brief before the lives of stars,
and the lives of worlds,
and the lives of even the trees that shade us.
Praise for Life.
Praise for the sacred power of remembrance.
Praise for the sacred power of forgiveness and letting go.
Praise for Life, the beginning, the middle and the amen of this prayer.
These pieces have been exhibited in many galleries, and other exhibits and now it is time to let them fly off on their own. So rather than selling them as a collection, I am selling them as individual pieces. One has already sold and others are being contemplated. Please contact me if you are interested. Each one comes with a copy of the full poem as well as the story of the individual piece.
These pieces are for sale in the gallery now - so please explore this powerful collection of works that illustrate a poem that sings a song of love and celebration of life. Please let me know which one speaks to you.