November is the month of Thanksgiving.
And I have so much to be grateful for.
I have a solid roof over my head.
I have family that loves me unconditionally, especially my dog.
I have food, warmth and clothing.
I have a studio filled with equipment and supplies.
I have the time to work in my studio.
I am healthy.
But honestly between you and me, I still feel a teensy bit anxious. A bit on edge.
So, I weave towels.
I make art.
Walking my dog.
And I walk the dog.
Here’s some news for which I am grateful:
Detail “All This Time”
“Below, Through, Above and BeyondThe Datum Level” “When We Remember” is included in the juried on-line exhibit. Are is what the curator wrote about my piece -
Sarah Haskell - When We remember, 2018. The narrative of memory, loss, lived experiences and passages lies within the cells of this work. The way the eye is led to read the work is well thought out and the patterning seductively repetitive but then it is not…so much like the operation of our recall. The palette works with popular notions of embedded information - nostalgic. The subtlety of the lettering in conjunction with the outreached hands is hopeful, gentle, supportive in counterpoint to the rusted symbols of the pins and hooks.The pathways of the stitch work enhance the feeling of the organic, soluble nature of memory.
Maine Artist Fellow - I have been awarded a fellowship in Fine Crafts from the Maine Arts Commission. Here is a link to the MEAC website with all the details.
New art in my gallery - Please check out my latest piece in my gallery. It is inspired by the words of Persian poet Hafiz “Even after all this time, The Sun never says to the Earth “You owe me.” Look what happens with a love like that. It lights up the whole sky.”
Morning sunlight on my loom.